Tuesday, April 5, 2011

more lighting display/s, 1956 cushman truckster/tourist attraction

here's the deal, we have the most beautiful window light show in canon city, co (oops, we have the only one,) however, we are not on highway 50 or main street, so, what is a person to do.  http://www.thecanoncityqueenanne.com/windowlightshow.html

awh haw, building a rolling display with lights.  take one 1956 cushman truckster scooter, build a lighted display, place generator in bed of scooter, light up display and park in front of motels, tourists businesses.  more to follow, stay tuned.

who's the genius now, charlie sheen/you troll.

Reservations: 719 275-5354, reservations@thecanoncityqueenanne.com

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Queen Anne Tea House Blogs

see, http://teahousefinediningcolorado.com/

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Art of Bread Making, Sat., August 29, 2009

What a great event, twelve ladies and one man, courageous one that he was, attended a baking class/demonstration by guest baker, Laura Carey.  From the time they showed up to have scones, devonshire cream and hot, loose leaf tea, the group was enthusiastic and immediately connected.  When Laura began it was clear that this was not just a recipe following exercise, there was passion in her voice and words and she was able to express what a "spiritual" adventure it is to bake, have your hands in the dough and the anticipation in your mind/as to what will come out of the oven.  Without a doubt the over riding theme was cleaniness, temperatures, were important, however, following a recipe is absolutely necessary. General cooking can allow creativity, baking and specifically specialty bread baking requires attention to following a recipe for content, as well as agenda in things to accomplish.  Laura was a hit and the ladies invited her back in January, 2010, to do a class/demonstration on "sour dough" breads.  I just love watching ladies have a good time, enjoy themselves and these special events are one way that they can.
Posted by Al Ballard